Bitcoin and Litecoin Price Alerts

Given the recent volatility, we felt it would be prudent to know (read: be woken up) when prices reached certain extreme levels. Some cups of coffee and a weekend later, is pleased to present our very own 100% free live real-time price alerts system.

To create an alert, click the golden bell icon next to one of the prices, or click the alerts button in the Navigation Menu. You will be prompted to enter your email address, and the details of your pricing criteria. You can also opt to receive a phone call or text message alert from our phone number: (858) 314-3455.

We will send a confirmation link to your valid email address on file, which will finalize your alert. The alert confirmation page can be seen below, and also serves to keep track of or cancel your notifications.

We currently support the following exchange rates:

-BitcoinAverage USD

-Coinbase USD

-BitStamp USD

-MtGox USD


-BitPay USD

As well as the traditional gold, silver, platinum, palladium, oil, and ten year yield items.

Did we miss something? Have any suggestions or tips?

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