August 30th, 2014, a day that will live in infamy for the factory production line at Sony HQ. Thanks to an epic sale from the good people at, lucky holders of bitcoin can get $150 off a purchase of $500 or more on their website, when checking out with the magical internet money payment method.
From now till September 1st, American bitcoiners can buy:
1. Brand new Playstation 4 (PS4)
2. 2 Dual Shock 4 Controllers
3. 3 day delivery
all for the insanely discounted sum of $387 delivered, including tax.
The Bitcoin price is recovering now, currently priced at $502 on Bitstamp, after briefly falling below $500, as Newegg’s merchant processor BitPay sold Newegg’s Bitcoins onto the market in exchange for USD to pay back Sony and keep the wheels turning on our new digital economy.